Associate Professor, Information Systems
Lina Zhou is an Associate Professor of Information Systems (IS) at UMBC. She is a faculty member of the intelligent information systems group in the IS department. Her current research interests include online deception detection, computer-mediated communication, Web text/structure mining, and ontology-supported information systems. She has been teaching courses in Web mining, artificial intelligence, database, and management information systems.
Dr. Zhou has published over 40 referred papers in journals. She is serving on the editorial boards of five international journals such as Security Informatics. Her research has been supported by NSF. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Beijing University, China.
Research Projects
- Zhou, L., Y. Sung, and D. Zhang (2012), Deception Performance in Online Group
Negotiation and Decision Making: The Effects of Deception Experience and Deception
Skill. Group Decision and Negotiation.
- Zhou, L. Y. Shi, and D. Zhang (2008), A Statistical Language Modeling Approach to Online Deception Detection, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 20(8),
- Zhou, L. and A. Zenebe (2008), Representation and Reasoning under Uncertainty in
Deception Detection: A Neuro-fuzzy Approach, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,
16(2), April, 442-454.
- Zhou, L. & D. Zhang (2007), An Ontology-supported Misinformation Model: Toward a
digital misinformation library, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Part
A). 37(5), Sept. 804-813.
- Zhou, L. and D. Zhang (2006). A comparison of deception behavior in dyadic and triadic
group decision making in synchronous computer-mediated communication, Small Group
Research, 37(2), 140-164.
- Zhou, L. (2005). An Empirical Investigation of Deception Behavior in Instant Messaging.
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 48(2), 147-160.
- Zhou, L. J. K. Burgoon, J. F. Nunamaker, and D. Twitchell (2004). Automated Linguistics
Based Cues for Detecting Deception in Text-based Asynchronous Computer-Mediated
Communication: An Empirical Investigation, Group Decision and Negotiation. 13(1), 81-
Office: ITE 427
Phone: 410-455-8628
E-mail: zhoul@umbc.edu