
Cybersecurity is one of UMBC’s strategic priorities and a critical interest for Maryland and the nation. As a leader in cybersecurity, UMBC possesses broad capabilities and expertise in this constantly changing domain. More important, as a reflection of cybersecurity itself, our interests in cybersecurity are not just technical, but include the social, behavioral, operational, and economic elements of cybersecurity as well.

UMBC has over 35 faculty working on cybersecurity research in areas including cyberphysical systems, secure voting, encryption, privacy-preserving technologies, AI in cybersecurity, systems security, hardware security, cybersecurity education, economic risks of cybersecurity, local government cybersecurity, and cybersecurity policy.

The UMBC Cybersecurity Institute (UCI) provides unified interdisciplinary academic and research leadership, partnership, innovation, and public outreach in this critical discipline. Through the UCI, UMBC is one of the few universities in the United States designated a National Center of Academic Excellence both in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) and Cyber Research (CAE-R) by the National Security Agency. Additionally, UMBC has been a leading participant in the NSF Federal CyberCorps/SFS program since 2012.

If you have relevant cybersecurity news to share with the UMBC cybersecurity community or suggestions/comments about the site, please contact us!


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