Professor, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Charles Nicholas has been a faculty member in UMBC’s Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department since 1988. In that time he has served as chair of the department (2004-2010) and taught a wide range of courses on subjects like programming languages, Information Retrieval, UNIX systems administration, and Malware Analysis.
His research focuses include electronic document processing, intelligent information systems, and software engineering. Nicholas held appointments at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. His work has been funded by a number of agencies, including NASA, Maryland Industrial Partnerships, DARPA, AFOSR, and the Department of Defense. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science from The Ohio State University.
- Kenneth Rowe and Charles Nicholas, “Reliability of WWW Name Servers”, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, April 1995. (Special issue devoted to the Third International World-Wide Web Conference.)
- Travis Atkison, Kathleen Pensy, Charles Nicholas, David Ebert, Rebekah Atkison, and Chris Morris, “Case Study: Visualization and Information Retrieval Techniques for Network Intrusion Detection”, accepted to VisSym 901 Eurographics – IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization, May 28 – May 30, 2001, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Jeffrey Undercoffer, Filip Perich, and Charles Nicholas, “SHOMAR: An Open Architecture for Distributed Intrusion Detection Services”, Technical Report, CSEE UMBC, September 2002.
- Charles Nicholas and Kevin Stout, “Characterizing a Malware Corpus”, presented at Malware Technical Exchange Meeting, August 16, 2012. (classified session)
- Charles Nicholas and Kevin Stout, “ Experience with Compression-Based Distance Metrics for Malware”, presented at Malware Technical Exchange Meeting, August 14-16, 2012 (poster session).
Office: ITE 356
Phone: 410-455-2594