Cybersecurity CTF competition starts 1pm Friday 4/29

The UMBC Cyberdawgs will host a 48-hour Jeopardy-style Capture The Flag cybersecurity competition, online and in person for UMBC participants.
DawgCTF 2022 will be a Jeopardy-style CTF, so things are pretty simple. Players register online, either in teams or alone. At 1300 EDT on April 29, 2022, the competition will open. Players will have access to a board of challenges, ranging from easy to nigh-impossible, and scored appropriately. Whoever earns the most points by solving challenges wins! The in-person part of the event will take place in room 206 of the Public Policy Building.
The CTF will begin at 1:00 PM EDT on Friday, April 29, 2022, and end at 1:00 PM EDT on Sunday, May 1, 2022, for a total runtime of 48 hours. The maximum team size is four. There will be an in-person component for UMBC participants only.
At 8:00 PM on Friday, April 29th (7 hours after the start), we will give out some prizes to UMBC competitors, depending on their current position on the scoreboard at 8:00 PM. Only UMBC competitors will be eligible for these prizes. Don’t worry, they’ll be small prizes, mostly just for fun, and the clout and CTFtime credit will go to the “official” winners at competition closing time (1 pm on Sunday).
See the Dawg CTF 2022 site to register, get more information, and join the Discord server.
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Posted: April 26, 2022, 10:47 PM