talk: IPv6 and its Security Issues, 5:30 Mon. 4/22

IPv6 and its Security Issues
Neal Ziring, National Security Agency
5:30-6:45 Monday 22 April 2019, Math/Psych 101
CMSC 626 Guest Lecture — all are welcome to attend
In this talk, we will introduce the basics of IPv6 and some of the security issues associated with it. Specifically, we discuss the motivations, history and adoption of IPv6, and current status in the global Internet. We then detail the structure of an IPv6 address and the types of addresses used, and the conceptual model for address assignment in IPv6. The modes of deployment of IPv6, and understanding of how dual-stack mode works, is then provided. We then discuss the basic model for IPv6 control protocols, ICMPv6, and how they support low-level network operations. We then identify IPv6’s place in the network stack, and explain how that does, and does not, affect security. Several basic threats to IPv6 devices and networks will be identified as well as how common network security posture/hygiene can be affected by dual stack operation. Lastly, we identify some key concepts in secure use of IPv6, and discuss the concept of NAT and its use in IPv4 and why IPv6 does not use it.
Mr. Neal Ziring is the Technical Director for the National Security Agency’s Capabilities Directorate, serving as a technical advisor to the Capabilities Director, Deputy Director, and other senior leadership. Mr. Ziring is responsible for setting the technical direction across many parts of the capabilities mission space, including in cyber-security. Mr. Ziring tracks technical activities, promotes technical health of the staff, and acts as liaison to various industry, intelligence, academic, and government partners. Prior to the formation of the Capabilities Directorate, Mr. Ziring served five years as Technical Director of the Information Assurance Directorate. His personal expertise areas include security automation, IPv6, cloud computing, cross-domain information exchange, and data access control, and cyber defense. Prior to coming to NSA in 1988, Neal worked at AT&T Bell Labs. He has BS degrees in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, and an MS degree in Computer Science, all from Washington University in St. Louis.
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Posted: April 15, 2019, 8:29 PM